All new moons offer a time of new beginnings. This one, you might say is especially ripe with all kinds of unique possibilities and probabilities! Falling in the constellation of Aries, the first sign of the traditional zodiac.The nakshatra for this new moon is “Ashwini”. The Ashwins were the mystical twins known to be the physicians to the Gods.
They are considered to be natural healers. People born into this nakshatra usually possess natural healing qualities. It is an excellent nakshatra for healing, or performing healing work. It’s connection to prana or life force brings quick restoration and miracles can be experienced.
Predictions for each sign:
Aries: You are creating a New You. It’s been in the works for awhile. Your mind has been full of ideas, now you are translating those ideas into revenue. Its likely, that you have a unique talent you are beginning to see. It’s possible that you have a unique artistic idea. Pay attention to you dreams and those signals you keep getting. Have your journal near you at all times. There are no limits…
Taurus: Someone special has your attention. Your home situation has changed and will be undergoing more changes in the fall. Perhaps this is due to the special person you are involved with now. Pay close attention to communication and your bank account.
Gemini: Friends from the past come around. Take care in all communications, spoken and written words. Misunderstanding is a possibility during this time. Activities dealing with females can prove to be profitable. Career moves ahead with ease.
Cancer: Career changes may be abrupt. Or some changes happen unexpectedly, that involve your career. Either way, you will be able to come out on top of the situation. Your thoughts have power and a vibration, keep that in mind as change blows your way.
Leo: Ideas you have had in the past have monetary value. A situation with your partner is changing. You may not be able to see your partner clearly at this time. Your hidden artistic resources could be making you money.
Virgo: You are probably fine with riding the wave of change. You are busy analyzing the details and what it all means. Soon, there wont be much time for that. Do pay close attention to those bursting sudden ideas. Your ruling planet, Mercury may bring an old friend from the past your way.
Take care with any travel plans.
Libra: If you are a business owner, now is the time to hire. You will be able to get excellent employees. It’s an excellent time for participating in or any interest you have in healing. If you enjoy contests, its likely you will be the winner. So enter up and as often as you can, especially with your ruling planet, Venus exalted! Paris anyone?
Scorpio: What you do and how you do it are on the front burner now. If anyone can flex and roll with it, that is you. Your everyday routine is in need of tweaking. This will come about, once you have the missing link of information. You have been working on bringing everything you do into alignment with who you are. That is no easy task.
Sagittarius: Communications with children can be somewhat off and on. You may be feeling that it is a bit of a mixed bag. Take care with any investments you may be involved in during this time. Your ruling planet, Jupiter will soon go direct (June). If possible, wait until that time to push any career changes forward, that timing will increase the likelihood of success.
Capricorn: Increased activity in and around your home life. Possibility of projects that beautify your home. It is a good time to entertain or have friends over. At times you will feel at ease with self-expression and other times you may feel uncomfortable with it. Go with the flow.
Aquarius: Good timing for creative writing or communicating your ideas. Any communications with people in authority should work to your advantage. Short distance travels for romantic
or social activities brings pleasure.
Pisces: Finances and translating unique talents that you have into another avenue of support are at the top of your agenda. There is a tendency to spend money pursuing pleasurable activities. Excellent timing for creativity and ideas that will bring financial support. Your ruling planet, Jupiter goes direct in June. Avoid gambling or risky ventures.