The purpose of Vedic astrology is to understand your soul’s purpose for being on the planet. So, that’s all about empowerment, your empowerment. Never has there been a more important time to understand why you are here now. March 13,...
JANUARY 10, 2020 – LUNAR ECLIPSE – GEMINI Eclipse time always brings “revelations”. Something that we didn’t know. On January 10th there is a lunar eclipse in the sign of Gemini. It falls at 25 degrees. Gemini’s symbol is the...
Saturn, the taskmaster planet has now turned direct in the sign of Sagittarius. For the signs of Capricorn and Aquarius (Saturn rules) it brings long awaited relief. Actually, it brings relief for all signs. Saturn and Ketu (the south node)...
Big News everyone! Jupiter, the planet responsible for opportunities, joy, optimism and positivity is about to go direct, on Sunday, Aug. 11th. Woo-Hoo, now we have Mars MOJO (energy) back in the sign of Leo…..and Jupiter turning direct! OH YEAH...
On July 7, 2019 the planet that governs all communications turns retrograde in the sign of Cancer. Cancer is a water sign that deals with emotions and matters that are connected to home. With Mercury’s retrograde in Cancer it will...
Valentine’s Day brings a contradictory mix of emotions. The moon sets the tone for our “feelings”. It does not get more steady than this, the moon will be transiting through earthy Taurus. In vedic astrology the moon finds it happiest...
To read, see the following: To watch my video click the link: MERCURY RETROGRADES – 11/17/2018 – 12/6/2018 Mercury the planet in charge of all communications turned retrograde a few days ago. Most everyone has heard of Mercury’s...
COME TO THE ASTROLOGY CONFERENCE! Oct. 5- 7th, Dallas, Tx. Come and join us for this upcoming weekend of fun and predictions for 2019! Follow the link for more information. The video below is Joni and I talking about...
September’s moon in Leo brings inspiration and a take-charge attitude. You may be feeling more ambitious now or inclined to go out on your own. Politician’s, actors, and public speakers will get a boost with this new moon. The new...