Birth Chart/Natal Analysis
This is a 60 minute consultation which provides insight into lifetime patterns. It is a portrait of your personality. It will help you to better understand your talents, strengths and weaknesses. Analysis’s of current life situation and advises on optimizing positive influence and opportunity. Popular topics are work, career, financial matters, education, relationship, marriage, business or legal matters, spiritual orientation, major life transitions.
This is an interactive consultation that is recorded and emailed to you.
Consult ($225)
Muhurtha (Timing of important event)
This service is based on time and determines the most auspicious date and time for obtaining a positive outcome of an important event, including: engagement, marriage, signing legal documents, buying or selling a home, etc. ($200)
Prasna (Specific question)
This service is for “one specific question”. It gives insight into any life issue and helps to clarify that particular area.