Venus, the planet of love turns retrograde on July 26th. Venus retrogrades approximately every 18 months. During this time it gives us a chance to review the areas of life that Venus governs. The importance of Venus is the rulership it has over our relationships, love affairs, marriage and partnership. But Venus is not just limited to the relationship area of our lives. Similar to Jupiter, another benefic that plays a part in bestowing fortune. It deals with valuable items and what we value. Maybe you can remember a visit to the art museum, where you could not take your eyes off of a beautiful painting. Or maybe you have made a recent trip to the jeweler, where the light of an exquisite stone had you hypnotized. You were experiencing Venusian energy. Venus represents beauty, sensuality and pleasure. Venus rules over art, luxury, music, and dance. It will be retrograding in the sign of Leo. You may be drawn to watching movies or films from the past. Watch for more remakes of movies from the past at your local movie theatre. If you have had your eye on a piece of art in the past, but felt it to be too expensive, take another look to see if it has had a price reduction. Venus will help you find the quality items, with a greater chance of a price reduction. In fact it is a good time look for bargains all around in luxury items.
On another note, Venus retrograde can bring a past romance back in to your life.
As Venus is retrograding, it will change signs and go back in to the sign of Cancer on Aug. 14th. But first while Venus is in Leo, (a fire sign), it is more concerned with outer appearances. And yes, you could say a little showy. You will notice a more subtle change as Venus transits back in to the sign of Cancer. Here, Venus is even more emotional and sensitive, and may prefer staying in or around home, whereas Venus in Leo would rather have some fine dining (white tablecloths preferred) and mix in some parties, only after a day of some great shopping!
Two songs come to mind as I’m writing about Venus in Leo and Venus in Cancer. The song I feel suits Venus in Leo is, ……”I cant get no…..When I’m ridin round the world and I’m doin this and I’m signing that, I can’t get no….no, satisfaction, no satisfaction. I can’t get no”…… made famous by the Rolling Stones.
And then, a recent song titled “All of Me” by John Legend is perfectly fitting for Venus in Cancer. Song lyrics are ……..”cuz all of me loves all of you, love your curves and all your edges, all your perfect imperfections…..give your all to me, ..I give my all to you.. My head’s underwater, but I’m breathing fine…your crazy and I’m out of my mind, cuz all of me, loves all of you……..”
We have been talking about Venus, and all her areas of rulership, including (but not limited to) relationship, art, movies, music. Maybe you are beginning to see a bigger picture of Venus. But there is also a part of Venus we do not see, that operates as our self-worth. What value do you place on you?
Perhaps of most importance is that Venus retrograde will ask you precisely what and who it is that you value in your life. If in the past you have been afflicted with the disease to please, now is your chance to release it. Now is your chance to truly recognize your own value. Venus retrograde is giving us plenty of time to review and reassess all that we find valuable. Venus, planet of Love turns direct on Sept. 6, 2015 in the sign of Cancer.