What’s that? You say you are ready for a change? All you Gemini’s have plenty to chat about! That’s right Jupiter the planet of luck, wealth and fortune is entering in to your 1st house. The 1st house represents YOU, your physical body and your health. Jupiter will bring its blessings to you. Jupiter’s transit into Gemini has been anxiously awaited. It certainly creates a shift and one that is more positive. While transiting Gemini for the next year, it will also be casting its benefits to the signs of Libra, Sagittarius and Aquarius. This transit will bring about many changes with new ideas, inventions and creative partnerships. Overall, Jupiter’s benefic positive energy will help everyone! All of life becomes easier with the assistance of the planet also known as “Guru”. Here are some of the areas to look for changes within the next year of Jupiter’s transit. Teaching and teachers, law judges, publishing, travel, technology, industries that deal with communications, education, children and education, ministers, religion, spirituality. Jupiter heralds in a new way of thinking. Time and the way we think of time will change. Discoveries will be made that change the way we think. Transformation of our world bringing a higher consciousness is here. What do you plan to do with this gift? Jupiter will be transiting the sign of Gemini May 30, 2013 through June 20, 2014.