Eclipse season is a time that ushers in change. The Solar Eclipse was on March 20th, 2015 and the Lunar Eclipse follows 2 weeks later. The Solar Eclipse has its effects in an outer way, while the lunar eclipse affects us more internally, more in a personal way. The Lunar Eclipse is more related to our emotions and how we feel. In this eclipse the Moon, which signifies our emotions and Mercury which signifies the mind are both involved. Our emotions are intricate to our ability to make decisions. Scientists say that 60% of our decisions are made based on our emotions. This is the best time to connect with you inner self, to go inside and seek information. It may be revealed to you through your dreams, a feeling, an image or your intuition. Paying attention to and acknowledging you emotions & intuition is important during this time. If you have personal planets near the degree point of 19 degrees Virgo, you may experience this eclipse in a very personal way, that can be life changing. The best way to deal with the lunar eclipse is to keep your life simple. Do not overbook your schedule, if possible give yourself some time off. Yoga, pranayama, breath work, meditation are all excellent ways to deal with an eclipse. Spend some time in nature, breathing fresh air. It is best if you can delay making any contractual agreements, or signing any documents that commit you. Waiting until 5 days after the eclipse occurs is best. Mid –April the planets are much better for moving your ideas and ventures forward.
Rose Reveley is a Certified Vedic Astrologer with ACVA (American College of Vedic Astrology). Her passion for astrology began more than a decade ago. Rose is passionate about helping others find their “life purpose”. Her healing practices also include teaching others to heal themselves using various mind-body techniques. Rose is also a Consulting Hypnotist, an Ayurvedic Health Educator, Registered Yoga Teacher and Certified Health and Wellness Coach. Recently, adding to her love of teaching and helping others create and transform their lives, she is a Pillai Center Facilitator and Coach. The Pillai Center for Mind Science is dedicated to awakening and consciousness development through offering various courses in prosperity, health and spiritual evolution.Related Posts
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