On April 7, 2016, there is a new moon falling in the constellation of Pisces. The nakshatra for this new moon is Revati. Revati is the last nakshatra of the zodiac and brings us to a place of truthful recognition within ourselves. Being the last nakshatra, it relates to endings. It is associated with finishing or bringing some matter to completion. This nakshatra is also associated with creative intelligence and spiritual growth. Within all endings exist the next moment for creation.
The following predictions are for your natal sign.
Aries: You will feel both relief and some apprehension with Aprils new moon. Simply put you are coming to a conclusion with some matters that deal with your boss and the home front. Children will somehow come in to play. But dear Aries, no one has anything on you when it comes to a juggling act. Time to use that gift of discernment you have.
Taurus: Its time to be out and about. By that, any and every socializing opportunity that comes your way will bring some kind of advantage. Granted, you may not be able to see the how and why now. But try to avoid looking for that. Your task is simple now. Make yourself readily available. A change will do you good. Financial benefits to follow.
Gemini: It’s all coming together now. Granted there are some challenges and that’s to be expected. Your career is here and now. Someone new is on the threshold, but they will require a lot of your attention and work. Its up to you, you really hold all the cards here.
Cancer: This is an excellent time for your creative juices. Write down your thoughts and ideas. There is power in the written word. This is a lucky time for you, so make use of the wind beneath your wings. Unusual conversations can be very fortuitous.
Leo: Changes have been brewing for you for awhile. Yes, some of them have already come about. But guess what? You get more. It could be anything from your boss to your home situation changes. And Leo, my kingly friend, your cheese is being moved to a higher kingdom. I know you can roll with that!
Virgo: Being the detailed practical person you are, you know it is time to pay extra special attention to the male energy in your life. Its possible they need your support in some way, or maybe just simply your watchful observance in some endeavor they are about to embark on. No one pays attention like you, Virgo.
Libra: Some changes for you on the work front. Or at the least, someone is mixing it up when it comes to your everyday routine. It’s a good time to start a new workout routine or bring in something new to your everyday routine. It won’t hurt to allow some changes now around your health routine.
Scorpio: Opportunities are there for you, Scorpio. Though likely, you may not think or feel it. You have the endurance that most do not have, and you have had to reach deep. This moon offers you creativity, teaching and traveling. Your ideas and wise counsel has value.
Sagittarius: Emotional changes run deep, Sagittarius. You may find that you are entertaining some new ideas or thought. Perhaps you are being drawn into teaching in a new area. No one can teach a new idea or thought better than you. Your partner, will support you on this new endeavor.
Capricorn: Communicating and the changes you are undergoing are key notes for this new moon. Situations with siblings may sweep in something unexpected. Your calm approach may be just the fix for all concerned. Keep your finger on the pulse of your mate.
Aquarius: As the humanitarian sign of the zodiac, you completely get that what you do everyday matters in the lives of so many people. Here is your opportunity to help. It starts with the power of what you say. You have tremendous influence. Partners and partnership come into play now. Choose wisely.
Pisces: Threshold, might not totally describe where you are, Pisces. And you will agree, that it has been a case of mixed blessings. You see the beauty beyond
and you appreciate all the blessings, large and small. You are both finishing something important and beginning a legacy. Valued partnerships are important to this new endeavor.