September is a big month with the solar eclipse on September 1st at 14 degrees of Leo. The luminaries, the Sun and the Moon will both be in the sign of Leo bringing about this eclipse.
Leo is a sign that deals with people in the public. You may remember the previous newsletter explaining that Leo deals with authority. People who come before the public, and that can be politicians, presidents, actors, actresses, dictators, etc. Eclipses always bring to the forefront
something that has gone unnoticed before. This eclipse should be quite enlightening in regards to government and people who hold powerful offices in our land. If you have planets near 14 degrees of Leo, expect to have something revealed to you. Try to avoid making any changes 5 days either side of the solar eclipse (9/1) and the lunar eclipse (9/16). To add to this confusion, Mercury will be retrograde most of September and that increases the likelihood of having misunderstandings.
September begins with Mercury in Virgo, it’s place of exaltation. Mercury turned retrograde on 8/30. Retrograde periods as you may know, mean that its time to review. We have missed something that is vitally important. Mercury’s domain is vast and a very important one, ruling over all communications. While Mercury is retrograde it is best to delay making any technical purchases. Delay car purchases if possible and signing of important documents. Mercury will always cause some kind of snafu that will end up being a problem. Check your emails before sending, it’s very easy to have misunderstandings during this time. The house that Virgo represents for you is where Mercury is retrograde. On 9/10 Mercury will retrograde all the way back into the sign of Leo again. You see, Leo (highly visible people) continues to be a center of focus both for the eclipse and Mercury retrograde. All this signaling is a reminder to watch the information that is coming your way during this time. On 9/22, Mercury will turn direct at 22 degrees of Leo.But it will not move into Virgo again until 10/4. As it remains in Virgo for most of September and in forward motion, this is where the rubber meets the road, as they say. Mercury moving direct and operating at its best strength will be in a better position. That would be the time to move ahead with any technical products you wish to buy. Green lights on signing documents and overall communications can now move ahead.
The lunar eclipse will follow the solar eclipse on September 16th at 29 degrees of Aquarius. Lunar eclipses have more of an inward affect on us. Lunar pertaining to the “moon” and is more about how we are feeling. Information that is revealed during this time will affect our mood and our emotions.The lunar eclipse will occur in the USA’s 3rd house of communications. Humanitarian and charitable organizations will find their way into the news. Even the news is in the news, but do pay special attention to information that is coming out now. Pricing of food, oil, pharmaceuticals are all reason to pay attention. Neptune is a planet connected to drugs and the pharmaceutical industry as well as the oil industry. This is the place where Ketu and Neptune are currently transiting and they are considered to be conjunct. Both can create voids. Or a feeling that something is lacking.
Certainly the lunar eclipse will expose what has been covered up to now. However, we can expect something more to be revealed. Two areas of major concern for the month of September is that the U.S. will be giving up its oversight of the Internet. This will dramatically affect how much information we receive and how much comes to us unedited and unaltered. How will this affect freedom of speech in our country? Another area of concern is the U.S. dollar and how long it will remain being the currency of the world. Do the words “global currency” come to your mind? Either one of these will have an enormous impact on us all. Saturn’s transit through Scorpio has kept information secret. Saturn rules both the USA’s money house and its communication. Again, this eclipse should expose and bring to light, what has been hidden in the past.
On September 18th, Mars the planet of action and energy will move out of it’s own sign of Scorpio and into the sign of Sagittarius. Mars has had its energy very much affected by Saturn since moving into Scorpio on 7/13. I have had numerous people tell me how they have felt blocked and unable to move ahead. This had everything to do with Mars and Saturn whose speciality is “blockade”. Mars and Saturn are 2 malefics that are not friends to each other. They have quite opposite agendas. So if you are Capricorn, Aquarius, Aries, or Scorpio you have felt this
blocking intensively! Now, you may feel as if you have been freed from this powerful grip! For Mars moving into Sagittarius is moving into a friend sign! Indeed, this is especially good news for Aries and Scorpio who have endured enormous pressures from the Mars/Saturn conjunction. I have no doubt that Mars squaring with Mercury on 9/12 will release some kind of information. The Sun will also be conjunct Mercury at that time. Expect more revelations around politicians, as if there has not already been enough!
One very nice combination I have noticed is that Jupiter, Mercury and Venus will all be together in the sign of Virgo. This trio is made up of all benefics and is called a Saraswati yoga. Saraswati is the Goddess of Learning and is a yoga that will help both teachers and students. It is excellent for speaking and writing. What a great benefit to both teachers and students at the beginning of the school year. And it is also helps to promote people in the arts such as, musicians, actors and actresses. If you are connected to any of these fields, this yoga will enhance your skills and make it an enjoyable time.
Virgo is a sign that is very concerned with health matters. Vitamins, pharmaceuticals, and natural products will be highlighted. Look for homeopathy and naturopathy to become topics of increased interest. If you have a workout regimen, it is a good time to review it, while Mercury is retrograde and then make the corrections when Mercury moves direct on 9/22. Virgo is a sign that is comfortable dealing with details. They love to help people make the correction.
At the end of September, I am planning to make an important announcement. Of course, I am waiting for Mercury to go direct! And eclipse season to have passed. So please stay tuned for my upcoming announcement!
Below, are the predictions for each sign of the zodiac. If you do not know your rising sign in Vedic astrology. Please email me your name, birth date, birth time, birth location/city and I will email you, your rising sign.
Aries: This eclipse takes place in your 5th house. This is an area of creativity for you. If you are unattached, its possible a new romance is around the corner. If attached, enjoyment of your spouse is a certainty. Home and creativity go together well at this time. You may feel like redecorating, just about any creative endeavor you choose will make you feel good now. Something will be revealed around your children. This revelation will be around home and children.
Taurus: Home and mother are the key issues for this new moon, solar eclipse. It is a good time for you to relax and enjoy your home environment. Matters around communications will improve.
Jupiter the planet that rules over opportunity has just entered your 5th house. This suggests that you can benefit from your own unique creativeness. Romantic opportunities may be in store for you! Mercury retrograde is bringing up some familiar themes regarding money and children.
Gemini: Adventure is on the menu for you. Being a natural born communicator, you get all the green lights in that area for September. In fact, this eclipse will help you out beyond just this month. Communication with siblings can bring added comfort. If you create something new during this time, it could continue to build your bank account. Your creative juices are part of the dollar signs. Go for it, Gemini!
Cancer: Your thoughts and actions will be geared towards earning. Money is on your mind. Mercury’s retrograde for the month says you need to review something in the past that had
earning potential. It may have to do with communications. Yours is a unique message.Short distance commutes and possibly long distance travel. Keep a journal by your side for writing down your ideas, this eclipse will sweep something out of your subconscious mind, that will build your bank account.
Leo: Having a new moon and solar eclipse in your 1st house is pretty major, Leo. So expect there to be some changes. If you have been wanting to start a new workout or health routine,begin at once to integrate the changes in your daily routine. This is a “power position” for you. If you are wanting to move up the ladder, time to “bust a move” as they say.
Virgo: You could benefit from foreign travel now. Charitable organizations may be on your mind.
If you interested in studying Yoga,or any spiritual subjects, this would be a great time. Jupiter the great benefic is there to help you out in your 1st house of physical body. Expenses are kept in check and you should not have any surprises when it comes to money.
Libra: Influential friends are available to help you out with your career. Something a little unusual is a strong possibility. You may get a new boss. No matter what the unexpected twist is, you should come out on top. You, dear Libra, know how to weigh all the pros and cons. It looks like some backroom deals are going on, and those involve the authority or boss, maybe some kind of power play. Probably wise to play your hand, close. Pay attention to more than what is being said.
Body language can be very revealing.
Scorpio: Changes have been brewing here for awhile, but now you should begin to see some kind of advancement in terms of career. Direction might be a better word choice. Perhaps, teaching or traveling or both is part of the change. Jupiter the planet of opportunity is helping you out with new groups and organizations and even new friendships. Try that on,for moving out of the blocked area you have been suffering with. You deserve a huge break, dear Scorpio!
Sagittarius: Your beliefs have undergone a radical change. Even emotionally you feel different and this change is working to assist you in rearranging your life. You are the beneficiary of Jupiter’s recent move into your 10th house of career. Perhaps you are redesigning or already completed making the plans for the changes you wish for your career. Expect to have opportunities coming in. They may involve travel and teaching or communicating a message that reasonates with you. Chances are, Sag. it is something that everyone can benefit from.
Capricorn: You have so much to celebrate, Capricorn. Your ruling planet, Saturn went direct on 8/13. So you can now move forward! Saturn’s retrograde has been no easy task for you. None the less you have prevailed. Jupiter, the planet that rules your communication house has moved to Virgo. Both big moves and both can serve you. Jupiter in your 9th house (luckiest house) is helping you with teaching, travel, higher knowledge. If you have something to publish, now is the time to be bringing it out and offering it to the world!
Aquarius: Your career area can now move forward. Thanks to Saturn moving direct on 8/13. You felt this energy as stalemate. Nothing was getting done for you. But now that has changed!
Your ruling planet, Saturn will allow things to move ahead. The eclipse is falling in your 7th house of partnership. And that can mean both your mate, spouse or business partner. Expect there to
be changes. It could deal with their work, routine or health in some way.
Pisces: Saturn moving direct on 8/13 probably brought in someone older and wiser to give you advice or council. Your ruling planet, Jupiter moved on 8/11 to your 7th house of partnership.Jupiter’s transit for the next year could bring additional partnering opportunities for you. This is your gold for the next year. It will be very important to make a wise decision on the partnering matter. What you make out of these partnerships could very well set you for a long time to come!