March begins with a new moon at 15 degrees of Aquarius. Aquarius is a sign ruled by Saturn and is concerned with humanitarian matters. Mars turns retrograde at 3 degrees of Libra on the same day. Mars is the planet that rules over action, energy and war. It will be retrograding back in to the sign of Virgo on March 26th. If you are Aries or Scorpio rising you will feel this retrograde period. Mars is the planet that is forward glancing, always concerned with strategy and moving ahead. For Mars to retrograde means that Aries and Scorpio’s need to do some reviewing. Mars is transiting through the sign of Libra for the next few weeks, and traveling with newly retrograde Saturn and Rahu. Both Saturn and Rahu deal specifically with our karma. Aries will most certainly encounter partnering and partnership issues. Changes will be happening for Aries. For Scorpio, it may not be as obvious but still there will be some unsettling issues for you. Libra is the constellation that is concerned with partnership, balance and harmony. All other signs will feel this, maybe in a more subtle way. And certainly, you may not feel your energy level as high or maybe you are not as motivated as you have been. I have referred to Mars in the past as our “gold” meaning it does rule over our energy. It may be good to take an honest look at how we use this precious resource. Retrograde periods are excellent for reassessing. As Mars returns to Virgo, you will hear more (if that’s possible) about the health care law in our country. The laws surrounding the changes that affect everyone in our country will be scrutinized again. You may want to take a second look at how you care for yourself. Are you accepting responsibility for your health? If you have been neglectful to care for yourself, this is the perfect time to make a new plan. Mars will not go direct until May 20th. This gives you plenty of time to write down your plan and mentally begin to implement it. When Mars goes direct in May, you will be ready to move forward with all your plans!