June begins with Mercury retrograde in the sign of Taurus. Mercury is transiting Taurus with the Sun and Mars (two very hot fiery planets). This trio can cause issues to become combative and angry, particularly around communication matters. Mercury retrograde in Taurus gives reason to review many things. One very important area is reviewing relationships. Taurus an earth sign, is ruled by Venus giving us a tendency to look closely at our relationships. Remember that Mercury is the ruler of all communications, so it doesn’t hurt to become more mindful of what it is we wish to communicate. Mercury retrogrades always bring their share of confusion. It becomes easy to misunderstand others, or misinterpret information. These retrograde periods can be very helpful to us, if we take the time to let the frustration subside. Yes, it’s annoying when your computer is slower than usual, the bank ATM does not work and you have to park and go inside, the postal stamps don’t come out when you pay at the postal machine. Not that anyone knows what my Mercury retrograde has been doing!
So, everyone take a deep breath, let it go and know that the Universe is in control. June 2nd , is a full moon in the sign of Scorpio. Full moons bring events to fruition. They are always good times to seed your thoughts or dreams. Perhaps something will be revealed to you during this time. The first 8 hours of a New or Full moon are the most potent times. Try to make some quiet time to enjoy, giving thanks for what has come your way. On June 11th, Mercury turns direct and you will be equipped with the answers you need to move forward.
It’s a green light to sign any contracts, purchase a house, a car or any legal documents that need signing. June 12th, Mars and the Sun conjunct in the sign of Taurus. Yes, that’s the 2 (I mentioned earlier) hot fiery planets coming together, creating anger. Watch the news during this time. Better yet, be watchful of what is taking place around you during this transit. Taurus rising sign, take extra special
care of yourself around this time. Research has proven that getting angry does not help our body or mind. What does help is knowing that the transit will pass, Mercury will be direct and information moves forward. On June 12th Neptune, will turn retrograde in Aquarius. Neptune deals with illusion and delusion, currently it is in the 3rd house (communication) of the USA’s chart. Neptune has been instrumental in causing many situations in the news that are deceptive. Aquarius and Leo rising signs should exercise caution in their relationships. I like the example of using a glass bottom boat. When you are sitting in a glass bottom boat you can see slightly into the water, however, you know there is more water underneath you and there are more water creatures swimming around. I am simply saying, you can see a little way into the water, but you cant see all the way to the bottom. That is Neptune, mysterious and nebulous.June 16th has us welcoming a New Moon in Gemini. This is excellent for scientific and medical discoveries. All your Gemini friends will be out and ready to socialize. Take advantage of this time to socialize, rather it be friends or business contacts.
Mercury’s current opposition to Saturn is delaying information and Neptune’s involvement means, what we are being told is not exactly how it is. This causes extremes of frustration and impatience. Again, when Mercury turns direct on June 11th, some of this will be cleared up. As Mercury gets some steam up with its direct movement, things will smooth out.
Venus is transiting through the sign of Cancer with Jupiter.This promotes all matters that deal with home. These 2 energies probably coined the phrase “retail therapy”. You may find that shopping has its pleasures (Venus). This does help to bring a nicer energy to enjoy. They begin to transit very close around June 26th, with the exact conjunction on July 1st.
Jupiter’s position to Uranus may cause sudden and unexpected events. All of this will depend on where your natal planets are in your chart. Uranus energy has a jolting effect on us, Uranus rules lightening and is a higher octave of Mercury. Something very futuristic is headed our way, possibly benefiting all.
June will be an interesting month in terms of communications, and information that is coming in. The latter part of the month gets better.
Coming up:
July- Venus conjuncts Jupiter