Nov. 12th – Jupiter and Pluto conjunct – Revelations or Revolution, or maybe both. Look for what is revealed as these 2 powerhouses conjoin for the next 8 days. Jupiter is the planet of faith & optimism. Pluto signifies atomic energy, powers behind the curtain, what has been hidden?
Nov. 13th – Mars, planet of action, energy, motivation and passion turns direct. All signs benefit from this transit. Mars transits the sign of Pisces, currently, it’s direct motion gives energy to
Every sign.
Nov. 15th – New Moon in Libra – brings energy for balancing, focus, set goals, stay the course.
Nov. 20th – Jupiter transits from Sagittarius to Capricorn. Jupiter becomes debilitated, weakened as it begins to transit with Saturn.
Nov. 29th – Neptune turns direct at 24 degrees of Aquarius. Neptune is the planet of fog and what we can not see. Illusion and delusion. It currently transits the 3rd house (communications) of the USA’s chart.
Nov. 30th – Full Moon/Lunar Eclipse at 14 degrees of Taurus. Taurus is an earth sign,focused on accumulation. The moon (masses) is exalted here in Taurus but eclipsed by Rahu showing disturbance among the masses. The Sun, Mercury and Ketu are in opposition in secretive Scorpio. Still more revelations to come….