Posts filed under: Eclipse

Astrologically, the biggest event for January is the upcoming lunar eclipse that occurs on January 31, 2018 in the sign of Cancer. Cancer is a water sign that deals with our emotions and our sense of security, on a deeper...
The month of February begins with Venus exalted. Venus is the planet that represents love and beauty. As Venus travels through the sign of Pisces, it will give us the chance to experience all that Venus stands for. If you...
September is a big month with the solar eclipse on September 1st at 14 degrees of Leo. The luminaries, the Sun and the Moon will both be in the sign of Leo bringing about this eclipse. Leo is a sign...
The March solar eclipse is falling at 24 degrees in the sign Aquarius. Eclipse’s are harbingers for change. Most everyone would agree that the world is undergoing a transformational change. The upcoming eclipses will kick it all off. Some changes...
September is Eclipse month! But first, lets talk about where the planets are transiting now. Maybe you have been wondering why you are not feeling so energetic. Mars planet of energy and action has been debilitated in the sign of...
The Eclipses are occurring during Mercury retrograde. This indicates a need to go back, review and reassess. We have missed a vital piece of information. As I am writing this article I have been listening to news regarding Ebola. I...
The month of November is an active one. First, we are experiencing a solar eclipse along wtih Mercury retrograde. Eclipses can be revealing, shining a light on things, people,and events that have before gone unnoticed. This eclipse is occurring in...
It would be almost impossible to not notice the events that have happened in our country within the last few weeks. The Sun and Mars are 2 hot volatile planets when combined, this resulted in the Boston Bombings on April...
Eclipse’s are harbingers of change. I sometimes think of them as the zodiac’s trip to a casino, where you draw a “wild card”. Eclipse’s have that unpredictable nature about them. As this is a lunar eclipse, any planets in your...